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FinnCERES Videos

Below, you can get inspired by the research done in FinnCERES through educative videos on innovative material solutions for the future bioeconomy.
Enzymes and Fire Retardants Made from Wood

Enzymes are nature's own catalysts, speeding up decomposition processes like wood decay and food digestion. Enzymes are also used in manufacturing biofuels and next-generation biomaterials like nanocellulose. Finnish researchers have developed a new method for producing high-consistency nanocellulose using enzyme-aided fibrillation technology. This process uses only a fraction of the energy needed for traditional nanocellulose production and results in a material with potential for novel applications.

Mineral enrichment with cellulose

Aalto University's research team has developed a cellulose-based froth flotation technique to improve the environmental impact of mineral enrichment processes. By creating stable, self-stabilizing froths with small bubbles, the process productivity is increased and environmental impact reduced. This technology could be applied to various minerals, including copper, zinc, and gold, without compromising sustainability or performance.

The Entity Project

The Entity project is studying the covalent cross-links between lignin and hemicelluloses in lignin-carbohydrate complexes, so called LCCs. By leveraging enzymes—nature’s own catalysts—the Entity team is able to unlock the value hidden in untapped biomass. This could bridge the gap between hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, offering new possibilities for coatings and composites. Advances in molecular modeling and bioengineering are helping the team predict and refine processes, creating sustainable materials that offer antimicrobial, antioxidant, and even anti-radiation properties.

Liquid Nanocrystals from Hemicellulose

Researchers are exploring ways to develop higher-value uses for hemicellulose, an abundant but underutilized part of woody biomass. FinnCERES researchers discovered a way to produce unique elongated nanoparticles from hemicellulose, in particular xylan. These types of nanocrystals have not been observed earlier. This discovery could open up new possibilities for using hemicellulose in optoelectronic applications.

Optical fibres from wood

Explore the potential of wood-based optical fibers. Discover the benefits of these soft and flexible fibers, which can be chemically modified and have a non-toxic composition. These properties offer unique possibilities for their use in applications such as localized laser surgery.

Harnessing the Power of Enzymes

The FinnCERES funded Entity project is studying the covalent cross-links between lignin and hemicelluloses in lignin-carbohydrate complexes, so called LCCs. The goal is to uncover the secret of how nature is able to blend water-repellent and water-attracting components to generate remarkable properties in natural materials.
By leveraging enzymes—nature’s own catalysts—the Entity team is able to unlock the value hidden in untapped biomass. This could bridge the gap between hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, offering new possibilities for coatings and composites. Advances in molecular modeling and bioengineering are helping the team predict and refine processes, creating sustainable materials that offer antimicrobial, antioxidant, and even anti-radiation properties.

#MaterialsScience #FinnCeres #LigninCarbohydrateComplexes #Sustainability #Innovation #Biotech

Capturing microplastics with nanocellulose

The use of petroleum-based plastics is causing catastrophic environmental problems. Plastics decompose into microplastic particles, which are found all over our environment, including drinking water and the air we breathe. A Finnish research group has developed a method that uses a nanocellulose membrane to detect and extract microplastics in water. This groundbreaking research could have far-reaching impacts in the fight against this environmental challenge.

Nanosized Lignin Spheres

Lignin, a byproduct of wood processing, can now be reformed into nano-sized spheres, creating new opportunities for high-value products. These spherical lignin particles can replace fossil-based materials in adhesives, cosmetics, and protective coatings. Their manufacturing process is cheap, and the raw material is abundant, making it an excellent material for smart bioeconomy.

Transforming forestry in Finland - UNITE Flagship

Discover how Finland's sustainable forestry practices are combatting climate change and biodiversity loss. With 80% of the country covered in forests, accurate forest data is essential for sustainable forestry practices, and the Finnish National Forest Inventory has been collecting data for 100 years. Remote sensing technologies are being used to detect forest risks, such as pests and storm damage.

Cellulose e skin

The accumulation of unrecyclable electronic waste is a growing problem, particularly as the use of wearable electronics increases. Cellulose e skin researchers have developed a fully biodegradable nanocellulose-based film and glue for printed electronics, enabling recovery of precious metals used in electronic components by re-pulping the film in water. This material provides a flexible and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional solutions made of plastic.


The FinnCERES project SASAMIS studies the properties of wood fibrils using X-ray scattering measurements and atomistic simulations to refine atomic models of the cellulose microfibril bundles, predicting the location of hemicellulose in natural wood. Understanding the interactions of wood-derived components with water is crucial for the developing advanced materials for various applications. This research could enable us to manipulate the hygroscopic properties of cellulose for specific applications.

Boreal Alliance Intro

The Boreal Alliance is a transnational research collaboration network for bio-based materials innovations utilizing the boreal forest resources. The Alliance promotes international research exchanges, advises on science-based policymaking, and encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration between material scientists, engineers, physicists, and molecular biologists to generate innovative ways to replace fossil-based raw materials. Global partnerships are necessary for progress and for forging links between researchers.

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