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Learn more about research done within the FinnCERES thematic area
Find out more information about FinnCERES-funded research projects below.
In addition to projects funded by the Flagship, there are many recent and ongoing Aalto and VTT efforts in the field of materials bioeconomy. Below, you can also find major projects and activities that are thematically relevant to the FinnCERES Competence Centre.

Future Biorefineries
Developing novel processing and modification tools for biomass
FinnCERES-funded projects
Projects at Aalto and VTT within this research theme

Clean Air and Water
Developing novel air and water purification systems from lignocellulosic materials
FinnCERES-funded projects
Projects at Aalto and VTT within this research theme

Lignocellulosics Beyond Plastics
Developing sustainable materials of the future
FinnCERES-funded projects
Projects at Aalto and VTT within this research theme

Electronics, Optics and Energy
Developing lignocellulosic materials for electronics, optics and energy applications
FinnCERES-funded projects
Projects at Aalto and VTT within this research theme

Other FinnCERES-related projects, programmes and networks
Fundamental research, development of advanced characterization methods, technologies, networking, etc.
FinnCERES-funded projects
Projects and programmes at Aalto and VTT within this research theme
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