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Join FinnCERES – finding new ways to use biomaterials

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

What we already know about forest-based materials and what we can do with them is truly amazing. Forests have an important role in solving climate change, tackling resource sufficiency and improving quality of life. However, there is still a lot to be discovered in order to make a difference in the society and find solutions to problems such as plastic pollution, energy harvesting or meeting the future demands of the textile industry.

FinnCERES is doing exactly that: finding new ways to use biomaterials, or more specifically lignocellulose, by taking advantage of their natural properties and taking those findings further into industrial applications. Lignocellulose is a generic term for describing the main constituents in most plants, namely cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Aalto University and VTT have joined forces to create a world-class materials cluster of fundamental and applied biomaterials research. We dare to say that we have globally significant expertise and knowhow on lignocellulose and its possibilities in industrial applications.

Top-level scientific research is not enough – the aim is impact

We are very passionate about finding sustainable solutions to global challenges by utilizing biomaterials. We have high scientific ambitions, but that is not all. We want to make a difference and create impact for a better future. Needless to say, this is only possible in collaboration with different players in research and industry. In order to implement scientific findings into reality, we seek to collaborate closely with companies from different sectors and all other stakeholders in the society.

Join FinnCERES – it is easy and flexible

We want to build a vibrant FinnCERES ecosystem, and invite all interested stakeholders to join. We offer two membership options:

1. Be-in-touch membership: free for companies and individuals interested in biomaterials research.

2. Co-create membership: 20 000 € for large companies and 2000 € for SMEs. The co-create membership is intended for companies who desire tailored services and want to have close ties with FinnCERES.

To join FinnCERES, please contact us, and we will continue discussions with you.

Warm welcome to FinnCERES materials cluster!

Alina Ruonala-Lindgren FinnCERES Co-creation Manager

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