Finland - United States seminar: From Forest to Innovations
Thu, 25 May
|Aalto University
Business Finland together with the FinnCERES Flagship are organizing a seminar focusing on wood construction and novel bio-based materials as a part of the Bioeconomy Trade and Study Mission from the United States to Finland.

Time & Location
25 May 2023, 08:20 – 14:30 EEST
Aalto University, Kemistintie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland
About the Event
Business Finland together with the FinnCERES Flagship are organizing a seminar focusing on wood construction and novel bio-based materials at Aalto University on Thursday, May 25. The event is part of the Bioeconomy Trade and Study Mission from the United States to Finland.
In this event you will hear some of the recent developments in research from Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre Finland, as well as short presentations from Finnish SMEs working on bioeconomy solutions.
8:20 Arrival, coffee
8.50 Opening words from Business Finland
Session 1: Wood construction & architecture
9:00 Why do we build in wood
Pekka Heikkinen, Aalto University
9:15 Novel wood modification processes towards improved construction materials
Lauri Rautkari, Aalto University
9:30 Carbon handprint in assessing positive impacts of wood-based innovations
Hanna Pihkola, VTT Technical Research Centre Finland
9:45 Wood construction: Presentations from companies
Onsite vacuum dryable wood construction element, Pasi Herranen, Vacuum Insulation Solutions Oy
Next level ecological insulation and packaging material, Jani Lehmonen, Fiberwood Oy
High-tech woodwork with abundant forestry side-streams, Alexander Henn, Lignosphere Oy
Decorative coating, Milla Kulmalainen, Dekotel Coating Oy
WLT - Massive timber constructions without glue, Liisa Akimof and Richard Siren, WLT Capital Oy
10:40 Q&A
11:00 Lunch
Session 2: New wood-based products
12:00 FinnCERES Flagship – Highlights from bio-based materials research
Monika Österberg, Aalto University
12:20 Protective packaging with folding technology
Jukka Ketoja, VTT Technical Research Centre Finland
12:35 Textile fibers from wood for more circularity in the textile industry
Michael Hummel, Aalto University
12:50 Novel bio-based materials for construction applications
Hannes Orelma, VTT Technical Research Centre Finland
13:05 New bio-based products: Presentations from companies
Ioncell - Next generation sustainable textile fiber, Antti Rönkkö, Ioncell Oy
Independent hub of cellulose innovation in the Nordics, Oskari Larkimo, Nordic Bioproducts Group Oy
Woamy - On a mission to replace harmful plastic foams, Susanna Partanen, Woamy Oy
Woodly - Redesigning plastics, Tommi Vuorinen, Woodly Oy
Saving the world from plastic waste, Joona Kontinen, Sulapac Oy
14:00 Q&A, coffee
14:30 Event ends
The USA delegation departs to site visits
This event is by invitation only. In case you would like to join, please contact info@finnceres.fi, or any of the addresses below:
Jukka Hassinen, FinnCERES Flagship Manager, Aalto University
jukka.hassinen (at) aalto.fi
Elli Käpylä, FinnCERES Flagship Corporate Relations Manager, Aalto University
elli.kapyla (at) aalto.fi
Katariina Solin, FinnCERES Flagship Manager, VTT Technical Research Centre Finland
katariina.solin (at) vtt.fi
Ulla Lainio, Commercial Counselor, Business Finland, Washington D.C.
ulla.lainio (at) businessfinland.fi