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F. Poohphajai: Bioinspired living coating system for wood protection

Fri, 21 Mar


Aalto University

This thesis investigates the use of fungal biofilms as a sustainable and durable wood coating solution, demonstrating superior protection against microbial colonization and weathering, reducing the need for toxic chemicals and extending the service life of wooden materials.

F. Poohphajai: Bioinspired living coating system for wood protection
F. Poohphajai: Bioinspired living coating system for wood protection

Time & Location

21 Mar 2025, 12:00 – 15:00 EET

Aalto University, Lecture hall L1, Vuorimiehentie 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland

About the Event

Content of the thesis: 

The doctoral thesis explores the use of bioinspired fungal biofilms, specifically Aureobasidium pullulans, as a sustainable alternative for protecting wood surfaces. The goal of the research was to explore the potential of A. pullulans to form resilient biofilms on wood, assess their performance in protecting against fungal degradation, and evaluate the long-term survival of fungal cells within the coating under various environmental conditions. Fungal biofilms offer a promising solution in the field of sustainable materials science, addressing the need for eco-friendly wood coatings. The study found that A. pullulans was the dominant fungal species on weathered wood surfaces, regardless of location, direction, or treatment. Its ability to thrive in diverse conditions makes it a suitable protective layer for building materials. Performance tests revealed that wood treated with the commercial bioinspired living coating (Biofinish) showed superior protection against microbial colonization and weathering compared to untreated wood. Additionally, wood surfaces coated with Biofinish showed the survival of A. pullulans, ensuring the long-lasting protective effect of the coating. This approach reduces the reliance on toxic chemicals, offering a greener solution for wood protection. The findings have practical applications in construction and outdoor materials, where they can extend the service life of wooden materials while cutting down on maintenance costs and environmental impact.

Opponent: Prof. Lone Ross Gobakken, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norway

Supervisor: Prof. Lauri Rautkari, Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering

Link to electronic thesis: LINK

Link to the remote defence: LINK

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